In the intimacy of the taxicab, as we cruise the streets of the city, New York’s immigrant taxi drivers tell me their stories. While sketching the outlines of tomorrow’s America, their tales question what it means to try to become who you want to be: how do you choose your life instead of resigning to it? How do you find your way, my way? How do you drive the vehicle of life? Together, we weave a collective fable of America and choice.
Written and directed by: Alicia Harrison
Produced by: Delphine Schmit et Isabelle Mathy
Editing: Alexandra Mélot
Sound editing: Josefina Rodriguez
Mix: Emmanuel Croset
Festival Partances, Toulouse, France, mars 2015
Festival Pointdoc, France, avril 2014 – Prix du jury Première création
Festival du film ethnographique Intima Lente, Caserte, Italie, 2014
– Prix du meilleur documentaire
Festival La Première Fois, Aix-en-Provence, 2014
Festival Itinérances, Alès, 2014
Days of Ethnographic Film, Ljubljana, Slovénie, 2014
Festival Monde en Images, Cucuron, France, 2014
Festival Dépaysements / Spaesamenti, France-Italie, 2014
Festival de l’image alternative de Brest, 2014
Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montréal, 2014
Rencontres Internationales Sciences et Cinémas, Marseille, 2014
Cinéma Vérité, Iran International Documentary Film, Téhéran, 2014
Festival du film d’éducation, Evreux, 2014
Festival Margaret Mead, New York, Etats-Unis, 2013
Festival Cinedoc, Tbilisi, Georgie, 2013
Festival Jean Rouch, Paris, 2013