

The puppet animation film ELENA tells the story of a young woman who enjoys her life in the clouds. Pretty soon she finds a charming mate, the Red Crane, and soon after a seed starts growing in her belly. Even when she manages to keep her secret away from the Red Crane, the seed grows so fast that Elena cannot stand it anymore. Finally she rips the seed out of her body and throws it in a black swamp. But still she is not able to go back to her life as it was. Plagued by guilt and sorrow she is drawn to the black water, where she is harming herself until she finally finds her way beyond the clouds.


Written and Directed by Birutė Sodeikaitė
Production Design by Birutė Sodeikaitė
DOP Simonas Glinskis
Music by Ruben De Gheselle
Produced by Agnė Adomėnė, Delphine Schmit, Draško Ivezić.


13 minutes

Production Art Shot, Adriatic Animation & Tripode Productions

With the support of the Lithuanian Film Centre, the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, the CNC, France Télévisions, Procirep & Angoa, Sabam for culture

The Best Film Project 2017, BALTIC PITCHING FORUM, Lithuania

Aubagne International Film Festival Award 2018, EUROPEAN SHORT PITCH, Poland.


Flickers Rhode Island International Film Festival 2021